| 9°C | Overwhelmed. TMI'd up to the hilt. My Mind has been blown to pieces... and then those pieces have been blown up too.I can't even... You know, I am buzzing on the inside... I mean literally, like every cell has its own TENS machine or Thumper Wand. Too much everything. There's no time … Continue reading TMI

A Different Physio Pain: When NTs Harm Without Consideration…

I went to physio. I wish I hadn't. Even though it was technically a "good session" — productive, challenging, effective... It was not a good experience.

Anxiety & Chaos — The Antithesis of the Aspie Mind…

Anxiety and Chaos rules my mind. It feels like it's been long buried under mountains of agonising pain, sorrow, grief. Fibro-Fog, medication, and more and more Chaos and Anxiety. I can feel my mind still there, calling, struggling to be freed, to be heard... yet, there seems to be so little I can do about digging it back out.

In The End… Goodbye, Good Riddance, to 2017…

It's New Year's Eve. The end of 2017... And I'm definitely glad to see it go. This last year has been the year from Hell itself. It started with agony that could not be compared. With my starting to lose the ability to walk at all. With my losing the ability to crawl up the stairs. … Continue reading In The End… Goodbye, Good Riddance, to 2017…

Unchargable Me

I really hate these flare-ups... Is it just Fibro, or is it more? I'm just so exhausted I can't think straight, or even at all, anymore. It makes me so ridiculously ill, so tired and drained, so unable to do anything, not function at all. I am lost inside it. Numb and dead inside with … Continue reading Unchargable Me

Oh, Stella…

Storm Stella... Thank you for being yet another terrible import from America. For the last week or so you have been driving every nerve and cell in my entire being utterly bananas, and I'm in constant paraesthesia pain - I may as well be attached to Ol' Sparky for the amount of electric shocks, buzzing … Continue reading Oh, Stella…

Alone Without Precedent

The more I am in this situation, the more it eludes and confounds me. It doesn't help that it thus far has no definitive name. What really doesn't help is the psychological aspect. I checked around the Internet... There seems to be really little on ASD/ Autism/ Asperger Syndrome with neurological or physical chronic illnesses. … Continue reading Alone Without Precedent

Neuropathic Esential Oil Recipe

After three years and four months of enduring terrible pain, this condition suddenly and inexplicably changed. It was slow, but it felt like happened overnight nevertheless... it was gradual and I didn't notice the severity of this constant change until it became a complete “180”. Suddenly, it seemed like out of the blue the intense … Continue reading Neuropathic Esential Oil Recipe