When the BlackOuts Never Fade

For the last few days, the BlackOuts have become Relentless - Again... But what's worse This Time is that The Dysphagia is coming back. Again. It's been a Long While since Constant Aspirating was a genuine Problem. Now it's been happening Continuously. With the Major Issues surrounding the BlackOuts, it's no wonder, I suppose, really - except it's Not been a Problem like this for A Long Time.

Fibro Bunny

This... SUPER DRAINED EXHAUSTION is Getting Seriously, Severely Out Of Hand. There's the Paresthesia Nightmare of PAIN. The Undiagnosed Long COVID that's making it impossible to even move. ... Seriously, I Just Don't Know how else to word this DEEP ... Empty & VOID inside of... Ability To Move Or Even Breathe without The Most Enormous Effort... Wasn't there before I got COVID and now it's just getting worse with each day and month that goes by...

Anniversary of Hell…

Tomorrow is the anniversary of when I first was taken into hospital... On the 28th January 2018, I was booked into the Premier Inn at Skelmersdale, to go to my niece's christening the next day. I ended up in hospital for six weeks instead...

Alternative Thinking…

"Alternative" medicine is all I have left to use now – anything synthetically grown in a pharmaceutical lab generally does not agree with me (with severe side effects) The latest attempt at some relief from this neuropathological crazy is CBD, or Hemp oil (aka "legal" type of cannabioid). It tastes of pure evil, but it's … Continue reading Alternative Thinking…

Alone Without Precedent

The more I am in this situation, the more it eludes and confounds me. It doesn't help that it thus far has no definitive name. What really doesn't help is the psychological aspect. I checked around the Internet... There seems to be really little on ASD/ Autism/ Asperger Syndrome with neurological or physical chronic illnesses. … Continue reading Alone Without Precedent

The Pain Masquerade

I forgot to take my pills on time tonight... again. But this time they were really late. The agony was excruciating, and frankly made what I usually go through on a daily basis look like child's play. It was a waiting game to get any relief from taking the Pregabalin (4 hours late), and attempts to divert … Continue reading The Pain Masquerade

Broken NHS; Broken Me

From one nightmare to another: In the night I am tortured by my mind. In the morning I face the nightmare of being alive. It's been exactly one year now since I had to leave my job, got my referrals to the pain clinic and mental health community Access Team, and entered this surreal life … Continue reading Broken NHS; Broken Me

Sentence of Loneliness

Diagnosis is just a word. It doesn't really change anything when it comes to certain conditions... there's just nothing can be done about it really. Nothing helpful to you, anyway. You still have to live with the condition. There's no magic cure for a lot of mental health/"neuro-pychological" conditions. The different names are just for paperwork. … Continue reading Sentence of Loneliness