When the BlackOuts Never Fade

For the last few days, the BlackOuts have become Relentless – Again… But what’s worse This Time is that The Dysphagia is coming back. Again.

It’s been a Long While since Constant Aspirating was a genuine Problem. Now it’s been happening Continuously. With the Major Issues surrounding the BlackOuts, it’s no wonder, I suppose, really – except it’s Not been a Problem like this for A Long Time.

Been SUCH BAD Blackout Cycles – basically taken ALL Meds to start kicking its ass… ALL Due To The DAMNED WEATHER.

The Weather has been a Big Instigator, as always, with these BlackOuts this time. June Weather has been BAD and the Air Pressure Isobars have been nothing but a RollerCoaster of Hell. This causes INSURMOUNABLE PAINFUL AGONY in and of itself… Which inevitably leads to these Nightmarish BlackOuts…

Just coming round again and again – EVERY DAY IS JUST ANOTHER DAY LOST TO BLACKOUS – PAIN SO BAD. So Bad, I Can’t Come Round even, cos of the Sheer AGONY I am in…… A few seconds 0of consciousness just spiranls into another BlackOut, the PAIN is THAT Intense & Agonising….

MAJOR pins and needles and no movement on left hand outside of it – its horrible … but at least it’s generally less since mam stated putting “red labelTisserand oils [that would be: Muscle Ease Massage & Body Oil] on me.

It’s always a Nightmare trying to sort out Meds in this state – can barely move AT ALL – and whem I try it is AGONISING  & SUPER REALLY HARD – and then it takes over half an hour to manage in the end….. That’s from start to finish. OF TAKING MEDS – as in here’s the meds, out meds in mouth, swallow meds. Five Times Per DayEvey Single Day.

This Afternoon I Actually Aspirated a sodding CAT’S CLAW CApsule – yeh, a Gods-Damned CAT’s CLAW . I’ve never done THAT before. It’s always been the smaller ones, like Baclofen… Like I did this morning.
I aspirated a damned Baclofen during This Morning’s Meds, as wellFFS….(!!!!????!!!???!)

Had FIVE seperate BlackOut Cycles until about 6:45pm, by which time the 2nd Pregabalin must have started kciking in. I managed to take my Zomorph at that time then, without too much fuss after that, and didn’t aspirate anything.

My head is hurting SO DAMNED MUCH now…. All that coughing, effort, retching, struggling for breath

Mam had to Bang My Back again, and HARD This Time. Haven’t had to do that in a few weeks, maybe months, because if it’s happened, I’ve managed to retch it up myself somehow. Including This Morning’s One. 

This is all starting to Gather Steam Again… Dysphagia was sort-of doing OK.
This is NOT Good.

Is It The Weather? Stress??  Haven’t sodding slept, or even rested in bed, for a while. Sure as hell haven’t been able to rest out of bed. 

Everything has been a CHAOTOC PALAVER these last couple of weeks or so.

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